Norwood Dental Wellness Plan
Our in-house “Wellness Plan” is specifically designed for patients with no traditional dental insurance, and provides discounts on everything from cleanings and x-rays to crowns and fillings.
Our Wellness Plan includes the following at NO Charge:
- 2 Cleanings per year (absence of gum/periodontal disease)
- 3 Exams per year (includes Comprehensive Exam and Limited Exams)
- 2 Oral Cancer screenings per year
- 4 Bitewing X-rays per year
- Any additional X-rays needed during the year
- 100% OFF Complete Series of X-rays or Panorex X-ray
- $500 OFF Invisalign
15% OFF All Procedures in office including: Additional Cleanings (if needed), Dental Sealants, Fillings, Core Buildups, Oral Surgery, Root Canals, Scaling and Root Planing (Deep Cleanings), Crowns, Veneers, Periodontal procedures, Dentures, Partials
Program Guidelines:
- Patient’s portion of bill due on day of service
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other form of dental insurance or coverage
- There will be a $50 reinstatement fee if your program lapses
- No refunds will be issued at any time if participant decides not to utilize dental plan
In order to continue in our Wellness Program and take advantage of these amazing savings, patients must keep current with their 6-month cleaning. Yearly fee will be due on first cleaning of the year. (****There will be a $50 reinstatement fee if your plan lapses)
311 S Main Street
Norwood, NC 28128